Can you help by raising much-needed funds to keep our vital work going? Then why not sign up as a CWC Ambassador and join our group of like-minded supporters coming up with fun, creative and sometimes whacky ways to fundraise?
What's involved?
You commit to raising a minimum amount over a set period, but how you do that is completely up to you. Perhaps you're planning an extreme challenge or you're an expert baker. Maybe friends and family will support a birthday fundraiser on Facebook, or perhaps this is a perfect opportunity to declutter and sell unused and unwanted items. We'll share lots of exciting ideas with you and, whatever you're planning, we'll be here to support you. Need a poster to publicise a bake sale? We'll send you one. Planning an event and want us to share it on our social media channels? No problem, just send us the details. We can even come along and have a stand or give a talk.
Don't fancy doing it all on your own? Then why not consider signing up with colleagues, friends or family?
To become a CWC Ambassador, we ask you to commit to raising a minimum of £300 within a year, either as an individual or as a group.
Think this sounds like the challenge for you and want to help our local wildlife in need at the same time? Please get in touch with Tara on and she will answer any questions you have and send you further information.